Water Monitoring

No more water leaks !

Producing drinking water is a luxury. We have to implement more and more expensive means which are themselves energy consumers. It is necessary to preserve this rare resource.

Our goal : Zero Water

Zero unnecessary water consumption !

Controlling and monitoring water consumption ensures sustainable water management. No more unnecessary overconsumption and water leaks! Each cubic meter produced is consumed usefully.

Our goal : Zero Water

Zéro unnecessary consumption ! 

Multiple benefits

from the operation to the intervention in your buildings, we take care of the complete chain of water management !

We work closely with various companies and cities to help them reduce considerably their water consumption

Consumption monitoring

Live and real time monitoring of your water consumption. Our EMS (energy management system) can be adapted to all your buildings for a sustainable water management.

Water leaks detection and operation

Avoid water damage ! Don’t waste time finding  your water leaks. Our team is operating quickly. We take care of it !


We warn you of any drift (water leaks, overconsumption…) with the secure messaging system Slack and/or by email.

Water savings

With a good water management, you will limit unnecesary consumption allowing savings but also, and above all, the preservation of this fragile resource that is water.

Consumption monitoring

Système de Management de l'énergie

Share a broad vision of your water consumption.

Have easily the details of the consumption of all your buildings thanks to  IOT (Internet of objects). 

Available on multiple devices, Sileno’s Energy Management System e3m is easy to use and to understand. We offer free courses to our customers to familiarize themselves with this software. 


Exceeding a pre-set threshold, water leaks? Receive an alert directly on Slack (and/or by email) to avoid damage and unnecessary expenses.

With Slack, a specific channel made only for you allows  you  to warn  the appropriate people of any anomalies.

When a threshold is exceeded, an alert is sent to the manager concerned so that he can intervene and resolve the situation. The manager receives a periodic report on water consumption and potential leaks.

Save water an avoid unnecessary water leaks
