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Smart Meters

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Zéro Wattheure x Sileno

The data in favor of

the energy transition !

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Indoor Air Quality solution

Zero Water :

No more leaks…

More savings !

Preserving natural resources

Our expertise


Optimize the energy performance of your buildings! With Energy Management, control your consumption and reduce your environmental impact in the long term.

 To find out more about it, click here.


Water is a vital resource. Its preservation is essential. Monitoring, detection of leaks, abnormal consumption etc.


To find out more about it, click here


Good indoor air quality has become essential !   Zéro Wattheure will help you implement air quality control in your buildings and respect health protocols.

To find out more about it, click here 

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They chose Zéro Wattheure

Our Clients are our bests ambassadors.

We work with Severals Clients from different sectors (Cities, Education, Energy, Supply Chain, Bank…). We are helping them reducing their energy costs, respecting their health protocol. Discover a panel of some of our projects & achievements

A decrease of 63% on the annual electricity bill

The city of Palaiseau (more than 35k inhabitants) entrusted us with their public buildings. They’re monitoring . Their educational group Caroline Aigle thanks to the energy monitoring and our recommendations have seen a decrease of 63% on their annual electricity bill.

Respecting the cold chain

Arvato Supply Chain Solutions is the internationally leading provider of order-to-cash solutions for end customer-oriented industries. We monitor 

Renewable energy provider

Enercoop is the pioneer in France of green electricity. We help their Clients making a significant decrease on their electricty bill consumption with our own algorithm. smart meters

Université Paris-Saclay

A good Indoor Air Quality for the #1 Uni in France

In order to respect the health protocol of Paris-Saclay’s university, we control the indoor air quality (IAQ) of their different buildings for the well being of their 60 000 students.


Smart Meters : Enedis (France) has the highest Smart Grid Index !

The best Smart meter is french ! With their Linky Smart meters, Enedis takes the first place in the ranking and becomes the smartest DSO (Distribution System Operator of energy distribution networks) in the world. The Smart Grid Index (SGI) is a simple and...

They talk about us

We are very happy to work with Zéro Wattheure, especially for all the embedded intelligence of their calculation tools, which are themselves oriented towards buildings, towards energy consumers

Mohamed Sifaoui

Energy Services & Facilitation Manager, Enercoop | Pioneer in the supply of green electricity

In addition of having good data on temperature, indoor air quality, all other information necessary for the good management of our building, the most important is to have an excellent relationship with the company that manages you and that gives their time, their competence, their engagement for a sustainable relationship and planet!

Charles Cosson

CEO, #Laterrassediscovery by Banque Populaire Val de France | Key banking institution in its territories

Zéro Wattheure helps us significantly reduce our energy consumption. We have a clear and precise view of our consumption to allow us to move towards a sustainable building stock

Caroline Herbert

Energy Manager, Ville de Massy | City with more than 50,000 residents

Our partners

Chosing Zéro Wattheure it’s


its energy     consumption  


to resources preservation